Although solitary or sensory cilia are present in most cells of the body and their existence has been known since the early sixties, very little is known about their function. One function that is suspected of fluid flow sensing- physical bending cilia generate influx of Ca ++, which Rat Clia Kits can then lead to a variety of signaling pathways activated. faulty cilia and cilia-related proteins has been shown to result in cystic disease.
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a progressive disease, usually appearing on the 5th decade of life and is one of the most common monogenetic inherited human diseases, affecting approximately 600,000 people in the United States. Due to the mechanical properties of cilia impact their response to the applied stream, we asked how the ciliary stiffness can be controlled pharmacologically. We attempted to subdue the cilia to Taxol (a microtubule stabilizer) and CoCl2 (a model of hypoxia HIF stabilizers).
Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cell was selected as our model system. After incubation with pharmacological agents chosen, ciliary optically trapped and flexural modulus measured. We found that HIF stabilization significantly weaken the cilia. These results illustrate a method for changing the mechanical properties of primary cilia and potentially change the nature of sensing the flow of cilia
Operating clips used to ligate vessels in abdominal surgery are usually made from titanium. They remain in the body permanently and forming metal artifacts in computed tomography images, damaging an accurate diagnosis. Although the biodegradable magnesium instruments have been developed in other fields, physical properties required for different operating clips from other instruments. We developed a magnesium-zinc-calcium alloy Simian Clia Kits biodegradable clips with good biological compatibility and the ability to clamp quite as clip operations. In this study, we verify the safety and tolerability of these clips to be used in dog cholecystectomy.
Nine female beagle dogs are used. We did a cholecystectomy and tied with cystic duct by a magnesium alloy or titanium clip. Changes chronological clips and artifacts formation compared to the 1, 4, 12, 18, and 24 weeks postoperatively by computed tomography. The animals were killed at the end of the observation period, and the clip was removed to evaluate their biodegradability. We also evaluated the effect on the living body with blood biochemical data.
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